While 2 million 250 thousand people were entitled to retire following the enactment of the EYT regulation, banks accelerated their efforts towards retirement banking in order to expand their customer portfolios. Enuygun Finans compiled the ones that are curious about the amount of promotions that retirees can get from banks.
After the enactment of the EYT regulation, 2 million 250 thousand people who are entitled to retire will receive their first salary in April. Banks that want to gain new customers will make bank promotion payments to retirees who undertake to receive their salaries from that bank for 3 years. Enuygun Finans researched the details of which bank gave how much promotion to EYT members, by comparing instant data from banks with the most up-to-date interest rates and loan calculations in order to offer the most suitable loan opportunity to its users. According to the compilation made by Enuygun Finans, the banks and their promotional offers are as follows:
İşbank offers a promotional payment of up to 7,500 TL to retirees who carry their pensions to İşbank. In addition, people who prefer İşbank to receive their salaries can use Maximum Card without any dues.
Akbank SGK offers a bonus of up to 7,000 TL to those who carry pensions, an additional 1,500 TL chip-money and a monthly welcome deposit interest of up to 27%.
Denizbank offers a promotional opportunity of up to 5,000 TL for retirees who promise to receive their pension for 3 years, and up to 7,500 TL for retirees within the scope of EYT, in return for automatic bill payment orders. Those who become members through MobilDeniz receive a 27% welcome interest on their TL deposits.
Those who choose to transfer their pension to ING can earn an unconditional cash promotion of up to 7,500 TL. In addition, ING Credit Cards offer a special bonus of 1,000 TL to pension customers, and retired ING customers can use a 3-month deferred loan. 27% welcome interest awaits those who carry their salary to ING.
Those who receive their pension from Garanti BBVA gain a bonus opportunity of 1,000 TL for spending 500 TL with a credit card, in addition to a cash promotion of up to 7,500 TL. Garanti BBVA offers its mobile customers a bonus of 1,000 TL and an Interest-Free Cash Advance in Installments up to 10,000 TL. The bank also welcomes EYT members with a 28 percent welcome interest.
Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency