We have passed the stage of pleading for an earthquake, we are now in the stage of scream.
Prof. Dr. Naci Görür made statements about the earthquake disaster in Southeast Anatolia during a joint broadcast of Saran Radios, and made striking warnings about possible earthquakes.
The 7.7 and 7.6 earthquakes that occurred in Kahramanmaraş on February 6th affected 10 provinces. After the earthquakes, which are considered one of the largest disasters in the world due to their destructive impact, the reality of Turkey was once again brought to the forefront. Experts are warning that people should live with this reality in mind at all times and that cities should be made earthquake-resistant. Geology Professor Naci Görür stated during a joint broadcast of Saran Radios that he had warned about the Kahramanmaraş earthquake but was not taken into account, and that they have now passed the stage of shouting and moved on to the stage of scream for the earthquakes they expect in the Adana-Hatay, Bingöl-Karlıova, and Marmara regions.
We are preparing for earthquakes at a snail’s pace.
During a joint broadcast on Radyo Trafik Istanbul, Radyo Trafik Ankara, Radyo Trafik İzmir and Radyo Spor, Prof. Dr. Naci Görür answered questions from Cezayir Doğan, the General Director of Broadcasting of Saran Group Traffic Radios. He expressed hope that the recent disaster would be a turning point, but also acknowledged that it might not be. He mentioned that the 1999 earthquake on August 17 was also expected to be a turning point, but it was forgotten five years later, and the measures taken were reversed. He criticized the way disaster management is currently being handled, where the priority is to respond after a disaster occurs, instead of preventing it. According to Görür, this is an outdated way of thinking, and what is important is to make the cities resilient to earthquakes before people die. He pointed out that the slow pace of preparation for earthquakes, at a snail’s pace, was a result of the lack of priority given to risk management.
We were not taken seriously, the Kahramanmaraş earthquake came after shouting and shouting.
“3-4 years ago, Naci Görür pointed out Kahramanmaraş, saying ‘The Kahramanmaraş earthquake came crying. We were never taken seriously. We couldn’t explain this to the people either. I understand the people, preparing for an earthquake requires money. If there is a collective demand from the people, administrators cannot remain silent. The ruling party must make the people happy so that they can come to power again. But the people couldn’t use this power. Not even as much as the EYT. Why didn’t politicians hear this? Because there was no demand from the people. It was said that let scientists talk among themselves.”
Turkey is drifting to the west every year, and the last earthquake caused the east of Anatolia to sink 3-4 meters.
Prof. Dr. Naci Görür recalls the earthquake that took place in Elazığ on January 24, 2020, and says “We had predicted that there would be an earthquake in Elazığ since 2003. We also warned the people of Elazığ but we were not successful. We stated that attention should be paid to the Kahramanmaraş, Adıyaman, Hatay regions and that a large earthquake would occur. These earthquakes are located on the Eastern Anatolian fault. These earthquakes are sliding sideways by rubbing against each other. A large part of Eastern Anatolia has shifted about 3-4 meters towards the southwest and the Mediterranean. Turkey as a whole is shifting towards Greece at a rate of 2.5 centimeters per year. These earthquakes are also resulting from that. The Elazığ earthquake transferred energy and indicated the point where these earthquakes took place on February 6th.
Energy Transfer Could be Possible in the Hatay-Adana Region
Görür, who emphasizes that the earthquakes centered in Kahramanmaraş may have transferred energy towards Hatay and Adana, says, “The fault systems in the Adana basin and around Hatay may have become over-stressed. If a fault system becomes over-stressed, it can’t handle it and rocks can break, causing an earthquake. Energy was released where the earthquake occurred, but there are places where energy was transferred without a break. I’m not saying it’s going to happen, but we need to be careful in the Adana and Hatay regions. As scientists, it’s our duty to point out dangerous places and make sure the government and people take precautions.”
The Last Earthquake was Equivalent to an Explosion of 1 Million 870 Thousand Tons of TNT
Geologist Naci Görür explained that the magnitude of an earthquake represents the amount of energy released and stated, “An earthquake with a magnitude of 7 is a major earthquake, releasing an energy equivalent to the explosion of 1 million 870 thousand tons of TNT. The earthquakes we have experienced recently are of serious magnitude. The extent of damage varies according to many parameters. Intensity is the degree to which the earthquake is felt on the surface. It can be felt less in a nearby location with good soil, and more in a distant location with poor soil.”
Building houses on the same spot is madness.
Following the earthquakes that affected 10 provinces and were centered in Kahramanmaraş, announcements have been made that earthquake-resistant homes will be built in a short period of time. Prof. Dr. Naci Görür spoke on the subject as follows:
Building on the same spot after the earthquake is madness. Unfortunately, we are doing this foolishness. This happens in societies where science and technology are not dominant enough and where reason is not sufficient. Diyarbakır, Adıyaman, Kahramanmaraş, Hatay are ancient lands. We cannot evacuate the lands that have been inhabited for thousands of years. We must, and can, make earthquake-resistant cities, residential areas in these places. Are they asking the people in Japan to change their place? We should not hastily build new buildings for political reasons or election concerns before the wounds of the earthquake have healed. Micro zoning studies need to be done in the region. The scientific determination of where buildings should be built and where green areas should be must be determined. Science and technology are neglected at every level of government administration. Unfortunately, in countries that are not illuminated by the light of science, you encounter such things. The loss suffered during disasters is greater in scientifically backward countries.
The Istanbul earthquake will give 10 times the damage of the Marash earthquake
Görür, who used striking statements about the expected earthquake in Istanbul after the 1999 earthquake, said, “Just as we shout ‘Attention to Marash’, we have been shouting ‘Attention to Istanbul’ since 1999. We have reached the stage of begging for Istanbul to be prepared for the earthquake, instead of shouting. Now we are in the stage of screaming. It has not been heard enough, and I’m afraid that the Istanbul earthquake will give 10 times the damage to the Marmara region as the Marash earthquakes did. Hopefully we won’t see it, but no understanding should leave this country in this situation. A state of emergency should be declared in Istanbul and work should start as soon as possible. Some things have been done, now we need to make a power unity. All we need is will and faith, to progress in the light of science.
The spread of industry to Anatolia is a must
Naci Görür, who said, “Turkey’s production, industry and business world is 60% in Marmara, and the economic arteries are here,” stated, “While Marmara is under threat from big earthquakes, the disaster that will happen here will stop the wheels of the economy. You can’t fix these in 5-10 years. This means that the economy collapses, the country becomes dependent on foreign countries. We should not increase the population and building density, the density of production in Marmara, we should not put all our eggs in one basket. The spread of industry to Anatolia is a must. Buildings should not be built with the greed for profit.
Is a big earthquake expected in IZMIR?
In a joint radio broadcast by Geology Professor Naci Görür Saran, he used the following statements for Izmir, which is located in the earthquake zone:
“Nice work is being done in Izmir. Izmir peninsula is cut off by many active faults. We cannot determine how often these faults produce earthquakes without conducting studies. The municipality and the government are doing what is necessary to make Izmir earthquake-resistant. The public should be demanding. We don’t have a magic wand, both the citizens and contractors must not do wrong things. We can make Izmir an earthquake-resistant city within a certain period of time. The Anatolian plate has moved quite 3-4 meters, affecting all fault systems. There may be small earthquakes from time to time. We shouldn’t worry about that.
Naci Görür, who also mentions that they are expecting earthquakes over 7 in magnitude in the Karlıova-Bingöl-Erzincan region, said, “The last earthquake in the region was in 1794. We are expecting earthquakes on both the North Anatolian fault and the East Anatolian fault. The people and local governments in the area need to be very careful and exert pressure on the central government. We can’t stop the earthquake but we will do everything we can to minimize the damage caused by the earthquake.”
Prof. Dr. Görür spoke to the Turkish people through Saran Radios. Emphasizing the need for the public to voice their opinions on earthquakes, Görür continued, “Let’s do things that are right, ethical, and dignified in this country and stop pursuing profit. They have colonized this country, new buildings have collapsed, our children are buried under the rubble. Do you think the number of casualties is 18-19 thousand? The master of the country is the nation. The government works to please itself. We need to bring our minds together and we will never bring or vote for anyone who has done us wrong. Regardless of which political party you belong to, people die. Earthquakes kill, just like the economy, unemployment, and high prices. Have you ever tried to raise a banner and voice your opinion, saying “We want a city that is resistant to earthquakes, leave partisanship behind”? We will cut our own belly. The state has to do what we stand behind as a nation. There can’t be a government against the people.”