Set to premiere on Friday, December 13, “Hain” offers a suspense-filled story that travels the boundaries of justice and betrayal, inviting audiences on a journey where curiosity never fades. Produced by Fix360, this project stars seasoned actors like Haldun Dormen, Mustafa Alabora, Erkan Petekkaya, Yurdaer Okur, Meltem Beydilli, Ali Düşenkalkar, and Itır Esen.
The trailer, recently released to the public, already stands out for its scenes packed with revenge, intrigue, and power struggles. “Hain” dives into the complex world of an elite group who consider themselves untouchable, exploring the hidden truths behind power and wealth with bold storytelling.
In this world, shaken by the courageous fight of female characters, betrayal and secrecy blur the lines between friend and foe as clandestine operations unfold. A thrilling journey of revenge and justice awaits viewers in this heart-pounding story.
“Hain” brings together an all-star cast, including Haldun Dormen, Mustafa Alabora, Erkan Petekkaya, Yurdaer Okur, Meltem Beydilli, Ali Düşenkalkar, Itır Esen, Zeynep Şarlıgil, Engin Benli, Ümit Çırak, and Elif Bilgetekin. Director Berke Üzrek describes the film as offering “much more than what meets the eye.”
Distributed by A90, “Hain” premieres across Turkey on Friday, December 13, combining action, drama, and fantasy to keep cinema lovers on the edge of their seats.