Xxiv Euroasia Folkfestival Dance Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu Mim Chi 360

XXIV Euroasia FolkFestival Dance Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu Mim Chi 360

With contributions from Maltepe Municipality, the Festival opening ethnic dance by Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu MIM CHI 360

Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu’s MIM CHI 360 Drama Dance Theater, which has represented our country on five continents worldwide, performed for the third time in July following performances at CRM Institute Sloth Caffee and Next Pera Art Gallery. This time, they performed at the Maltepe Event Area during a festival that celebrated world folk dances, particularly those from neighboring countries such as Bulgaria, Georgia, and Greece. The event, hosted by Maltepe Municipality and organized by Istanbul Harman Culture-Festival Organization Youth and Sports Club, also featured folk dance groups from folklore associations residing in Maltepe. As part of the XXIV ISTANBUL HARMANFOLK CULTURE FESTIVAL, the first edition of the INTERNATIONAL MALTEPE FOLKLORE FESTIVAL took place, with the festival opening dance performed by Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu MIM CHI 360’s stage performance dances.

Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu Mim Chi 360 Maltepe Miting Alanında 1 (1)

On Friday, July 19, at 7:00 PM, the Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu MIM CHI 360 dance performance kicked off at Maltepe Event and Rally Area Square.

The festival was supported by Harman Folklore Association, Harman Festival Organization, Sandık Folklore Youth and Sports Club, and Maltepe Municipality. Enjoyed by the residents of Maltepe and Istanbul, the festival brought the world’s folklore and dance to the Maltepe Rally Area. Presentations for the festival were given in Turkish and English by Harmanfolk’s founding instructor Bülent Uzun and Mim Chi 360 Drama Dance Theatre’s founding instructor Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu.

Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu Mim Chi 360 Maltepe Miting Alanında (11)

The festival opening was marked by the unique ethnic improvisation fusion dance of MIM CHI 360, led by the traveling artist, performance artist, and coach H. Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu.

MIM CHI 360 is an intra-disciplinary life philosophy with cognitive, behavioral, and physical originality, expanding its influence across different continents worldwide. Including elements of mathematics and philosophy, it is commonly known by the abbreviation Drama Dance Theater.

Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu Mim Chi 360 Maltepe Miting Alanında (10)

MIM CHI 360 Philosophy, Application Perspective, Experience, and Benefits

Today, across the world, including Turkey, those who say, “Let’s stay fit and agile. Let’s burn calories, open our joints, improve our posture, enhance interaction and communication, and strengthen our memory,” follow the discipline of MIM CHI. MIM CHI 360 aims to further develop our perception and motor skills, reduce stress, correct our gait and spine, engage in some movement, enjoy a bit of music and entertainment, learn new things, and utilize our creativity for a delightful hour. It caters to those who seek a combination of dance, music, movement, theater, philosophy, and creativity. MIM CHI 360 also emphasizes connecting with nature and offers a social activity and workshop experience enriched with friendly bodily and cognitive flexibility, high life and work intelligence, spontaneous improvisations, and a fusion of different disciplines, ethnic cultures, and dances. It’s an opportunity to laugh, experience joy, and explore our sensitivities, leaving memorable experiences in our minds and hearts and feeling excited to repeat them later. Those who are drawn to these aspects find themselves embarking on a new journey of life exploration through MIM CHI 360 workshops and programs.

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Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu’s MIM CHI 360 and CHI LANGE CHALLENGE – CLC360 Training and Learning Philosophy

MIM CHI 360 and CHI LANGE CHALLENGE – CLC360 are integrated approaches that also extend to stage performances due to their aesthetic and artistic elements. MIM CHI 360 is a unique experience for individuals, providing high levels of cognitive creativity through improvisation without memorization. The philosophy of MIM CHI 360 is a discipline that distances itself from symptoms such as memorization, assumptions, prejudice, extremism, stress, impulsivity, confusion, unconscious consumption, inertia, rudeness, aggression, the law of the superior, lack of energy, weakness, exhaustion, obesity, indecision, hatred, anger, violence, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. It represents a perspective and stance that returns individuals to their “natural home.”

MIM CHI 360 is both primitive and contemporary, embodying the art of living without memorization. It is about always being able to solve problems. Even when unforeseen circumstances arise on stage, such as issues with costumes, accessories, decor, lighting, or music, MIM CHI 360 offers a creative approach to finding a cognitive and design-focused solution. It reflects a resolute stance towards justice and balance. MIM CHI is based on aesthetic intuition and conscious awareness, encompassing both body and mind. It is a practice of a life path that knows where to stand but avoids stagnation. This is most strongly experienced in workshops and performances that take the form of tribal dances.

Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu Mim Chi 360 Maltepe Miting Alanında (8)

MIM CHI 360: Integration of Global Influences and Artistic Philosophy

MIM CHI 360 emerged as a synthesis of the work and research conducted by global traveler and artist Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu with indigenous peoples, tribes, and various dance organizations across five continents during her travels. Through MIM CHI 360, Yorgancıoğlu freely draws from diverse dance disciplines, opening the door to creative thought, while countering societal marginalization and polarizing language patterns by bringing the language of the peaceful warrior to the stage through theatrical drama dance forms.

MIM CHI 360 stage masks are not representations of witches, demons, angels, goblins, or fairies. Instead, the color choices are tailored to specific concepts, with red consistently included in costumes for improvisations and country representations involving tribal dances. MIM CHI 360 is a discipline that allows individuals to develop their strengths, qualities, and values, while also working to recognize and strengthen their weaknesses. It features modules designed to aid in developing resilience by cleansing cognitive and physical chakras from toxic effects.

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Themes in Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu’s MIM CHI 360 Festival Dance

In the MIM CHI 360 Festival dance, Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu explored a variety of themes through three musical compositions. The performance included:

  • Introduction – Theatrical Greeting to Groups
  • Challenge – Acknowledging the Challenge
  • Transition – Navigating Transitions
  • Volatility – Addressing Volatility
  • Flow – Embracing Flow
  • Uncertainty – Confronting Uncertainty
  • Complexity – Understanding Complexity
  • Resilience – Building Resilience
  • Ambiguity – Handling Ambiguity
  • Conflict Resolution – Resolving Conflicts

Yorgancıoğlu also presented paradigm and enigma transitions specific to the event within the dance performance. Additionally, the choreography featured improvisational dance elements addressing intercultural diversity, interaction, and inclusivity.

Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu Mim Chi 360 Maltepe Miting Alanında (6)

Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu’s Works

Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu is the founder of MIM CHI 360 Drama Dance Theater, and her extensive qualifications and experiences include being a theater trainer, PADI certified diver, licensed athlete by the Turkish Ministry of Youth and Sports, swimming instructor, Federation Level 2 fitness trainer, accredited athlete and student coach, mental intelligence games instructor, sworn translator, internal auditor, occupational safety class B expert, and an economist who has represented Turkey in 107 countries. She is also a world traveler and a versatile artist involved in painting, poetry, dance, theater, drama, and academic research presentations.

Yorgancıoğlu continues her MIM CHI 360 work through eclectic personal development programs in various countries around the world. Believing in the inclusivity of multiculturalism, she maintains dialogues with tribes she has visited on her global tour across five continents (e.g., Maori, Masai, Kikuyu, Zulu). Drawing insights and inspiration from these dialogues and ceremonies she has attended, she integrates them into cognitive-behavioral structured thematic wellness work, sharing her approaches to a fit mind and agile body through interactive workshops. Many of these activities are part of her commitment to adding value to society through extensive social responsibility projects involving municipalities, governorships, embassies, and various NGOs.

Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu Mim Chi 360 Maltepe Miting Alanında (5)

Cultural and Diplomatic Ambassadors Who Raised the Turkish Flag Abroad: Harmanfolk’s Bülent Uzun and Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu MIM CHI 360 on Stage at the International Festival in Maltepe Rally Area

Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu, the founding president and trainer of MIM CHI 360 Drama Dance Theatre, possesses a wide range of expertise including occupational health and safety, forensic psychology, information technology, energy sector contract management, forensic expert assessment, internal auditing, risk management, professional management consulting, and international event organization, as well as TV and radio project-based program production. She is an alumnus of Boğaziçi University’s Faculty of Administrative Sciences in Business and Economics. Yorgancıoğlu is currently pursuing her third university degree in Political Science and International Relations at Istanbul University, more than a quarter-century after her previous studies. She has represented Turkey in academic, cultural, and artistic fields across various continents and geographies.

Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu Mim Chi 360 Maltepe Miting Alanında (4)

Bülent Uzun: A Key Organizer and Representative in International Folklore

Bülent Uzun, who successfully represents our country both domestically and internationally with his professional team, is the organizer of the event and serves as the president and trainer of the Istanbul Contemporary Harmanfolk Club. He continues his roles as the Turkish Representative for the World Folklore Federation (I.G.F), Vice President of the Istanbul Folklore Federation (IFOF), and President of the XXIV Istanbul Eurasia Culture Festival. Uzun is also the Chairman of the Board and Folk Dance Trainer at Harmanfolk.

Harmanfolk, established in 1987, is a cultural organization that organizes international folklore, music, dance, and various activities both in Turkey and abroad. The organization invites approximately 250 musicians, dancers, and students from abroad each year, promoting Turkey through these activities. Since 1994, Harmanfolk has organized numerous amateur and professional events, Turkish nights, Turkish weeks, and international folklore festivals across Europe, Asia, and America.

Internationally, Uzun is affiliated with various organizations under UNESCO, including UNICEF, and is a member of international folklore organizations such as I.O.V, C.I.D, WIFOLK, and I.G.F, where he serves as Turkey’s representative and a board member for the ARTISTIC branch. He is also a member of the first Hars Union established in America.

Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu Mim Chi 360 Maltepe Miting Alanında (3)

Domestic Activities:

In Turkey, Bülent Uzun and Harmanfolk are involved in numerous international folklore, music, choir, modern dance, and sports organizations. They work with:

  • The Ministry of Culture
  • The Ministry of Youth and Sports
  • The Turkish Folk Dance Federation
  • The Anatolian Folklore Confederation
  • The Istanbul Folklore Federation
  • The Istanbul Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports (Youth Club and Youth and Sports Club)

These organizations facilitate a variety of activities both in Turkey and abroad.

Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu Mim Chi 360 Maltepe Miting Alanında (2)

The festival, which began with a MIM CHI 360 dance performance on Friday, July 19, at 7:00 PM in Maltepe Square, received support from the Harman Folklore Association, Harman Festival Organization, Sandık Folklore Youth and Sports Club, and Maltepe Municipality.

Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu Mim Chi 360 Maltepe Miting Alanında (1)

Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu’s Career in Drama, Dance, and Theatrical Dance: Examples Across 5 Continents and International Representation of Turkey

  • Ballet – Şişli Terakki High School Primary – Short Term Activities
  • Folk Dance – Şişli Terakki High School – Primary – Short Term Activities
  • School Choir and Solo Performance – Şişli Terakki High School – Primary Graduation Ceremony Performance
  • Modern Dance – Boğaziçi University – Teacher: Zeynep Günsur
  • 1985 – Boğaziçi University Theater Club – First Theater Experience with BÜO Boğaziçi Players
  • 1994 – United Kingdom Porto Bello MIM CHI 360 – Solo & Contact Improvisation Dance
  • 1998 – Budapest Váci Utca MIM CHI 360 Street Dances – Kurt Cobain Breezes
  • 2005 – Czech Republic – MIM CHI Street Dance Football Style – Kafka Metamorphosis Dance – “Krizalit Kristalin”
  • 1997 – New York Central Park MIM CHI 360 – Sirtaki Style Dance, Coloured Pants
  • 2003 – Maori Tribes Rotorua, New Zealand – MIM CHI 360 Haka Dance, Fusion – “Haka Shaka”
  • 2008 – Masai Mara Tribes – Kikuyu Tribes Dance, Kenya (Last Session: Hakuna Matata Mim Chi 360)
  • 2000 – Holland Dam Square MIM CHI 360 – Street Dance
  • 2002 – Madrid Plaza Mayor – MIM CHI 360 Silence
  • 2004 – Athens Sirtaki – MIM CHI 360 Style Fusion – Greek Mythology Prometheus, Bacchus, and Fire
  • 2005 – Vienna, Austria – MIM CHI 360 Opera Style Dance Theatre
  • 2005 – Antakya – Zaman Güneşi – MIM CHI 360 Theatrical Poetika, Sponsored by Akşam Newspaper SkyTurkTV
  • 2005-2006 – Algeria Restaurant-Cafe 8, French Street – MIM CHI 360 Theatrical
  • 2007 September – New York Les Paul Concert – After Party Mim Chi 360 Physical Shape Style, Meeting with Les Paul and Olivia Newton-John
  • 2009 – India Bombay – Indian Kathak Dance Style MIM CHI 360
  • 2008 – Bahamas Caribbean – Salsabely Style Mermaid Dance – Junkanoo Practices with MIM CHI 360
  • 2008 – Art Theatre Dance Performance Leader for Children’s Activities in Tekman Erzurum by Turkcell
  • January 2006 – Dubai UAE – MIM CHI 360 Indian Dance Style
  • October 2009 – Qatar Doha – After Performance Indian Style MIM CHI 360 – Turkish Belly Fusion, Broadcasted on Al Jazeera TV, Hindi Jai Channel, Qatar Tribunes
  • Iznik Folklore Festival Jury Member – 2nd Iznik International Folklore Festival
  • April 2018 – Tokyo, Japan – MIM CHI 360 Sakura Dance – Kendo Style – Kabuki Style
  • December 2018 – Guangzhou, China – MIM CHI 360 War Dances – Broadcasted Live on Chinese TV
  • Mim Chi 360 Tango – Yemeni Ministry Of Internal Affairs – Gaziantep Yemenisi Revival Association
  • Tango Therapy Platform – Founder (2020)
  • Ci Tango Talks – Originator – Anchorwoman
  • Tango Event Organizer – Fair Tango Event Curator ICC Lütfi Kırdar Istanbul (March 2020, 4 days)
  • Lions Club Guest – Tango Social Dance Performance (2023)
  • Historical Husrev Kethuda Bath – Mim Chi 360 Victory Dances – Opening Cocktail Dance (September 2023)
  • Büyükada Adalar Kültür Derneği – MIM CHI 360 Authentic Improvisation Solo Contact Enigma Dance (September 2023)
  • Next Pera – Theatrical Improvisation Tribal Dance Introduction
  • MIM CHI 360 – Salon Dances Paso Doble – Kanto Hybrit – Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu Seval Uğur Mutlu (March 2024)
  • MIM CHI 360 – Bahariye Middle School – 19 May 2024, 6+1 Week Intensive Program for 5th Grade Students’ Drama Dance Workshops and Performance Preparation
  • MIM CHI 360 – From Tribal Dance to Tango – Performance Workshop at Cadde 24 CRM Institute Sloth Caffe (June 2024)
  • MIM CHI 360 – Next Pera Art Gallery – Art Exhibition Closing Performance Dance and Workshop (July 2024)
  • MIM CHI 360 – Maltepe Municipality – Harmanfolk XXIV International Istanbul Culture Folk Dance-Music Festival (July 2024)

During the festival participants’ program from July 17-21, on the first day, the groups settled into their five-star hotels and, during their initial meal and meeting interactions, they reviewed the entire festival program together. Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu presented a unique improvisational ethnic theatrical dance performance, showcasing excerpts from her theatrical performances displayed across the five continents. The opening performance with MIM CHI 360 took place at the Maltepe grand meeting area.

Dance Excerpts:

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